Friday, April 24, 2009

And speaking of Michele Bachmann...

If you want a clear example of the kind of batshit crazy that the religious right is pushing into positions of power, just spend some time with the Wikipedia entry on Michele Bachmann.  Don't blindly trust the article itself, check out its cited sources.  They're not making this stuff up.
  • Holds a degree from Oral Roberts University
  • Opposes phasing out incandescent light bulbs, believing that the government has no right to tell consumers what kind of light bulbs they can buy, but favors federal legislation banning online poker
  • Claims that homosexuals suffer from sexual dysfunction and sexual identity disorders, and that gays are specifically targeting children
  • Believes that evolution is unproven, and that intelligent design should be taught in public schools
  • Belongs to a church that believes the Pope is the antichrist, but doesn't have the guts to admit that publicly
  • Calls for the investigation of "anti-American" members of the Obama administration, and then, with no sense of irony at all, calls for armed revolution over environmental legislation
  • And it just goes on and on and on...
Folks, this is what you get when fundamentalist morons get together in large groups and use their tax-exempt war chests to push their toadies into elected office.

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